Our small nonprofit uses Flipbook to publish digital magazines, books and brochures. We love that we can easily embed it on our website and adjust the security settings for each Flipbook as needed. It's very easy to use, super customizable, and their help...
The data is simplified so I then have to manipulate it into an excel doc
Use it for distributing electronic booklets.
When reviewing the issues, I get a lot of mixed-up pages. I refresh the computer but it still ends up just really mixed up. It seemed to work better before the last updates.
Our small nonprofit uses Flipbook to publish digital magazines, books and brochures. We love that we can easily embed it on our website and adjust the security settings for each Flipbook as needed. It's very easy to use, super customizable, and their help...
Use it for distributing electronic booklets.
The data is simplified so I then have to manipulate it into an excel doc
When reviewing the issues, I get a lot of mixed-up pages. I refresh the computer but it still ends up just really mixed up. It seemed to work better before the last updates.