The ability to organize your references by category makes it easy to sort through your collection. Also it is integrated with Microsoft Word so you can easily cite a reference from your database while typing in Word. Formatting of your bibliography is also...
Since the OS update, Sierra, 10.12.6, Endnote crashes when I try to open a reference, read a pdf, or insert a reference into my word file on my Mac. Further, it crashes Word and all work is lost! It's a disaster and they are not updating it. If they expect...
Easy access to pubmed articles, cite while you write
Sloppy and clumsy interface. Very confusing mechanics. Not presentable in a clear manner.
The ability to organize your references by category makes it easy to sort through your collection. Also it is integrated with Microsoft Word so you can easily cite a reference from your database while typing in Word. Formatting of your bibliography is also...
Easy access to pubmed articles, cite while you write
Since the OS update, Sierra, 10.12.6, Endnote crashes when I try to open a reference, read a pdf, or insert a reference into my word file on my Mac. Further, it crashes Word and all work is lost! It's a disaster and they are not updating it. If they expect...
Sloppy and clumsy interface. Very confusing mechanics. Not presentable in a clear manner.