2 things in particular : its case law database is richer than that of most of Doctrine's competitors ; and it (controversially enough) provides information on the activity of practitioners (such as their clients and cases).
Westlaw by Thomson Reuters will never let you down. The software has always been popular with legal professionals because it is reliable. You always feel like you get the best search results with Westlaw, and you do not have to worry that you are missing...
I started the service and paid all that was due. I could not access it for over a month and then only after several, increasingly, heated calls. The problem seemed to have been the fault of the Accounts Dept. After 6 months and having no outstanding...
2 things in particular : its case law database is richer than that of most of Doctrine's competitors ; and it (controversially enough) provides information on the activity of practitioners (such as their clients and cases).
Westlaw by Thomson Reuters will never let you down. The software has always been popular with legal professionals because it is reliable. You always feel like you get the best search results with Westlaw, and you do not have to worry that you are missing...
I started the service and paid all that was due. I could not access it for over a month and then only after several, increasingly, heated calls. The problem seemed to have been the fault of the Accounts Dept. After 6 months and having no outstanding...