We recently converted our AV over to Carbon Black Defense and have been nothing short of impressed. Cloud analytics along with the ability to stay on top of zero day attacks take this product the next level. They've really thought this one through as...
The product is having problems determining what is a real threat.
This product blocks every program that is not whitelisted. While this proves to be very frustrating at first, when properly optimized this adds a very unique and powerful layer of security to your stack. While antivirus programs will block known threats,...
The thing about ThreatLocker is the admin has to know what they're doing. If they don't it can be a major pain in the thorn for your team. So ask yourself, does my admin know what they're doing? If they don't, I would look for a more admin friendly platform.
We recently converted our AV over to Carbon Black Defense and have been nothing short of impressed. Cloud analytics along with the ability to stay on top of zero day attacks take this product the next level. They've really thought this one through as...
This product blocks every program that is not whitelisted. While this proves to be very frustrating at first, when properly optimized this adds a very unique and powerful layer of security to your stack. While antivirus programs will block known threats,...
The product is having problems determining what is a real threat.
The thing about ThreatLocker is the admin has to know what they're doing. If they don't it can be a major pain in the thorn for your team. So ask yourself, does my admin know what they're doing? If they don't, I would look for a more admin friendly platform.