C-Cex is an exchange and wallet platform that allows you to trade a lot of cryptocurrencies, accepts fiat currencies, has a great API, fees are low and also has 2FA authentication.
Cex.io Exchange is a transparent Exchange that alone raise it up above it's counterparts.it's shows a high level of Openness. It's security is high too. What more can I want from an exchange? Cex.io is my best exchange.
The support isn’t really great, I’ve tried to withdraw money to my MasterCard card and it fails, the support was not helpful and I had to switch to a Visa card to be able to achieve that
C-Cex is an exchange and wallet platform that allows you to trade a lot of cryptocurrencies, accepts fiat currencies, has a great API, fees are low and also has 2FA authentication.
Cex.io Exchange is a transparent Exchange that alone raise it up above it's counterparts.it's shows a high level of Openness. It's security is high too. What more can I want from an exchange? Cex.io is my best exchange.
The support isn’t really great, I’ve tried to withdraw money to my MasterCard card and it fails, the support was not helpful and I had to switch to a Visa card to be able to achieve that