When assessing the two solutions, reviewers found VMware Cloud Foundation easier to use, set up, and administer. Reviewers also preferred doing business with VMware Cloud Foundation overall.
- Cloud Foundry is proven technology (Pivotal Web Services offers it hosted). - The source code is open source on Github. - Cloud Foundry operates independent of the IaaS/Infrastructure, so you can either set it up in the Cloud (IaaS) or on your own...
There is not enough documentation for specific cases and the tool does not have enough automatic adaptability for more complicated programs. It requires too much manual configuration and re-coding.
For me, it's ease of use. I'm not the primary administrator, but 6.0 and the included web client provides me all of the resources I need to do my job without headaches. I'm the company DB/BI manager so I have a small subset of VMs that I manage, but I...
The product overcommits to its actual capabilities. Our system blocks all the cloud capabilities of INSIGHT. The support promised this wouldn’t be an issue and we have yet to find a solution. Frustrating to say the least!
- Cloud Foundry is proven technology (Pivotal Web Services offers it hosted). - The source code is open source on Github. - Cloud Foundry operates independent of the IaaS/Infrastructure, so you can either set it up in the Cloud (IaaS) or on your own...
For me, it's ease of use. I'm not the primary administrator, but 6.0 and the included web client provides me all of the resources I need to do my job without headaches. I'm the company DB/BI manager so I have a small subset of VMs that I manage, but I...
There is not enough documentation for specific cases and the tool does not have enough automatic adaptability for more complicated programs. It requires too much manual configuration and re-coding.
The product overcommits to its actual capabilities. Our system blocks all the cloud capabilities of INSIGHT. The support promised this wouldn’t be an issue and we have yet to find a solution. Frustrating to say the least!