The support team are exceptionally helpful, friendly and efficient.
I really don't have any real negatives. We have had some equipment failures on the Pro model, but we were shipped warranty devices within a couple of days, so we didn't miss any scheduled streaming sessions.
Vimeo is a great alternative to YouTube. They have a much more professional look and feel, and I personally think there are many more high-quality videos on Vimeo than YouTube. Obviously both sites are going to have good and bad videos, I just feel like the...
Like the features and measurement provided by Wistia better.
The support team are exceptionally helpful, friendly and efficient.
Vimeo is a great alternative to YouTube. They have a much more professional look and feel, and I personally think there are many more high-quality videos on Vimeo than YouTube. Obviously both sites are going to have good and bad videos, I just feel like the...
I really don't have any real negatives. We have had some equipment failures on the Pro model, but we were shipped warranty devices within a couple of days, so we didn't miss any scheduled streaming sessions.
Like the features and measurement provided by Wistia better.