Bookmark ninja is an online bookmark manager which has immensely helped me and my company in organizing our tools. It has a very clean, easy-to-use interface and can handle large number of bookmarks. With the advanced tag management feature of this...
- The UI looks as if it was from 2000s - Manual Categorisation of tabs in the age of AI seems concerning - You have to pay of things which can Google or Perplexity can provide for free. So the future of this application seems to be doomed - Too slow to load
Compatible with the most popular and used web browser, highlight by shading by mouse and save text by password for greater security.
I wish Diigo would also help me manage my social life haha.
Bookmark ninja is an online bookmark manager which has immensely helped me and my company in organizing our tools. It has a very clean, easy-to-use interface and can handle large number of bookmarks. With the advanced tag management feature of this...
Compatible with the most popular and used web browser, highlight by shading by mouse and save text by password for greater security.
- The UI looks as if it was from 2000s - Manual Categorisation of tabs in the age of AI seems concerning - You have to pay of things which can Google or Perplexity can provide for free. So the future of this application seems to be doomed - Too slow to load
I wish Diigo would also help me manage my social life haha.