Within consulting work, my specialty is technological agriculture (smartagrifood), closely related to Smart Cities projects. BlueRiver technology optimizes each terrain and each plant thanks to a particular monitoring of each crop using computer vision and...
It handles the machinery very slowly, not to mention that the support of this tool is almost non-existent, it takes several days to respond.
It provides feedback from different perpectives. It identifies development opportunity. It focus on care competencies. Empowers leaders and employees.
We have limited options to create our own visualizations for the responses.
Within consulting work, my specialty is technological agriculture (smartagrifood), closely related to Smart Cities projects. BlueRiver technology optimizes each terrain and each plant thanks to a particular monitoring of each crop using computer vision and...
It provides feedback from different perpectives. It identifies development opportunity. It focus on care competencies. Empowers leaders and employees.
It handles the machinery very slowly, not to mention that the support of this tool is almost non-existent, it takes several days to respond.
We have limited options to create our own visualizations for the responses.