i like cloudformation template for scripting throw you program in one location to create lots of script and usefull for automation
O que eu não gosto no AWS CloudFormation é a curva de aprendizado inicial, que pode ser difícil para iniciantes, e a complexidade na sintaxe dos templates. Além disso, a demora nas atualizações de stacks em ambientes grandes e as limitações em...
I previously used Puppet. While Puppet is great, Ansible (and Salt) is even better. Getting to where Puppet was actually configuring servers took several days. I had Ansible configuring user account on servers in an hour of using Ansible. The Ansible...
Pricing - is little bit too expensive for medium and small companies in one word ... waste of money
i like cloudformation template for scripting throw you program in one location to create lots of script and usefull for automation
I previously used Puppet. While Puppet is great, Ansible (and Salt) is even better. Getting to where Puppet was actually configuring servers took several days. I had Ansible configuring user account on servers in an hour of using Ansible. The Ansible...
O que eu não gosto no AWS CloudFormation é a curva de aprendizado inicial, que pode ser difícil para iniciantes, e a complexidade na sintaxe dos templates. Além disso, a demora nas atualizações de stacks em ambientes grandes e as limitações em...
Pricing - is little bit too expensive for medium and small companies in one word ... waste of money