Multiple subscribers is better option which is not available in many messaging services. It combines messaging, storage, stream processing,etc
The official sink and source connectors, from debezium have issues with some advanced data types, especially arrays and son, when reading from postgres WAL files.
The most amazing thing about Cloud Pub/Sub is that it solves a very hard problem in a very easy way.
Can be difficult to use once started with the program. It’s very concise and concrete.
Multiple subscribers is better option which is not available in many messaging services. It combines messaging, storage, stream processing,etc
The most amazing thing about Cloud Pub/Sub is that it solves a very hard problem in a very easy way.
The official sink and source connectors, from debezium have issues with some advanced data types, especially arrays and son, when reading from postgres WAL files.
Can be difficult to use once started with the program. It’s very concise and concrete.