G2 takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports. Learn about our scoring methodologies.
Embed ranked-choice polls and contests on your site. RankedVote's embeddable polls engage your audience with dynamic, real-time results. Any time you're making a decision with more than two choices,
Scytl is the global leader in secure election management, online voting and eGovernance solutions. Specializing in election modernization technologies, Scytl offers the first end-to-end election manag
Sequent is a beautiful and flexible online voting solution purposely-built to simplify your election processes while ensuring the highest level of security, transparency, and verifiability. Sequent'
TotalVote®, is comprised of multiple functional modules that support all methods of voter registration and list maintenance, election management, election reporting, and the myriad of interfaces neces
VoteBox is an online tool that facilitates voting on election days.
Voting 4 Schools is an online voting software for any school-wide elections or nominations that you want to conduct online.