Secure email gateways are comprehensive email security platforms designed to prevent web-based threats and ensure employee compliance. The gateways funnel incoming email content through spam filters and scan content prior to allowing transport beyond a firewall. These gateways include some kind of labeling or user governance system to identify malicious actors and prevent them from engaging in future communication. Archiving capabilities within secure email gateways help businesses keep a record of prior communications for both compliance and reference purposes.
Businesses choose to adopt secure email gateway tools to add further security measures to both internal and outbound communications. Companies can prevent their network from being compromised by cybercriminals and their data from being stolen, as well as ensure their operations remain compliant.
These tools do have overlap with both email encryption software and email anti-spam software, but provide a more comprehensive platform. Secure email gateway platforms combine the capabilities of both tools and add supplementary security and archiving capabilities.
To qualify for inclusion in the Secure Email Gateway category, a product must:
Filter or scan mail for viruses, spam, or other malware
Identify and block potentially dangerous content
Securely encrypt communications
Provide archiving capabilities for compliant storage
Facilitate allow and block lists to control approved versus suspicious accounts