Review management software, also called feedback management software, allows businesses to host reviews of products or services on their websites to improve business experience. It also helps to track, monitor, and analyze positive and negative reviews and allows businesses to respond to them.
Review management software helps e-commerce websites engage with their consumers, understand customer behavior, and improve their products or service based on authentic feedback. Unlike online reputation management software, review management software provides few capabilities for monitoring reviews and managing reputation online. Reviews management software integrates with e-commerce platforms and works alongside email marketing software and social networks.
To qualify for inclusion in the Review Management software category, a product must:
Collect and capture feedback on e-commerce websites through reviews
Be applicable for both products and service reviews
Moderate, manage, and analyze reviews
Deploy as a widget, pop-up, email follow-up, or short-answer Q and As on the website
Optimize for desktop, mobile, or tablet use