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User-friendly software designed for recording and analysing animal tracking within an IR actimeter.
Increase the performance of your people and your business
Aeros Live animal inventory management software provides the tools needed for production management, feed scheduling, and live inventory performance.
AfiFarm is a herd management solution for dairies of any size that helps dairy managers make the best possible decisions. AfiFarm provides the most comprehensive and accurate real-time view of the her
AgCinect is a solution to analyze and store data from every segment of a farm. With data entered, provides the farmer with analytics, financials, and reports.
AGDATA offers business intelligence management including marketing programs, CRM and customized analytics.
Aglive has developed leading-edge evidence-based tracking and authentication technology that allows communities to be tracked through the food production value chain. Tracing tainted food product back
AgriNous is a cloud-based platform providing in field and back-office capabilities for Stock Agents and Saleyard operators. Delivering substantial time savings to balancing and reconciliation activiti
The ANPOP Program is software to forecast and plan ANimal POPulation growth, such as livestock, also inputs & outputs, costs & revenues for up to10 yrs. ANPOP can be used to forecast and plan
Beef Tracker is a Windows based feed management software program. Beef Tracker works in conjunction with the scales on your feed mixer wagon/truck and allows you to accurately and easily collect and m
BenguFarm is an all-in-one on-farm professional livestock and game/wildlife management software package.
bovcontrol is a data collection and analysis tool to improve performance on meat, milk and genetics production.
DigitalBeef is an information tracking and data banking company for the beef cattle industry.
A productivity and marketing platform transforming the livestock supply-chain
Cattle Fattening Records is designed from a practical point of view to record and analyze all aspects of a cattle fattening enterprise.