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CanMap provides information and data quality solutions to help manage route logistics and streetfiles, address points, postal code management and more.
With tools for data capture and linking, data labeling, import/export of SHP files, polygon topology creation and analysis, and more, Carlson GIS is an awesome GIS “Swiss Army Knife” for the surveyor
CartoVista makes it possible to create detailed analyses and optimized communications by putting that data on a map. With two innovative solutions, CartoVista solves business problems and enables comm
Centerline Browser is a web-based, visual access to pipeline data that provides viewing and analysis capabilities that allow you to share PODS-related pipeline and facility GIS data.
cmapit software is designed for non techies, non developers and non GIS enthusiasts that still need to get their work done using the GIS data. Field workers can Learn to create interactive maps with c
CMaps Analytics is a cloud geo-analysis suite which includes a browser-based Designer and JavaScript API. Together, with your cloud map service of choice (Google Maps, MapBox, HERE, ESRI, Carto), CMap
GameSim is a solution minded Software Company working in both the Game and Modeling & Simulation Industries.
Coreo by Natural Apptitude is a powerful and user-friendly data collection platform designed for ecologists, environmental professionals and conservation organisations. Streamline your ecological surv
It provides live conversion of batch addresses into geographic coordinates (address to lat long) or turn coordinates into well formatted address It creates and publishes interactive maps. It supports
The Distancematrix.ai provides API services that enable your website or app to calculate travel time and distance between various points by factoring in real-time data and several transportation mode
Drawpoint is an interactive map and image builder. Every Drawpoint map has 2 key elements: 1. The Base Map -This is either a Google Maps-style map or an image. 2. Map Features - Features are shapes,
Earthvisionz pioneered the capability to provide unlimited data, including live feeds, overlaid onto specific geographic locations, resulting in significantly increased work flow efficiency and produc
EasyMapMaker helps to Map multiple locations from Excel (xls) spreadsheet data on a custom google map.
Easy Trace Pro is a powerful tool for map creation, from scanned image or imagery up to GIS-ready data. Efficient image preprocessing, automatic, semiautomatic and manual tools for line tracing, creat
ArcFM, based on the industry-leading Esri ArcGIS platform, consists of a family of configurable models and a set of sophisticated tools designed to provide a highly efficient asset management solution