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It is easy to work in a variety of formats with gvSIG Desktop, vector and raster files, databases and remote services. There are always available all kinds of tools to analyze and manage your geograph
LandVision, from Digital Map Products, is a property research, analysis, & planning application. Get the information you need quickly and easily to make informed location decisions with these onl
MapItFast is the way to simplify field mapping and data gathering with a single tap on the screen. Simplify your GPS mapping and let your team collaborate on the same project in a fully synchronized e
Maptoolkit, developed by Toursprung GmbH, provides a suite of geospatial APIs and technologies that enable the creation of advanced mapping applications. Services offered include vector and raster
Map Viewer is an easy collaboration tool for viewing and accessing maps and data online!
Over 80% of U.S. businesses report the need to analyze geographic data, but available tools are hard to use and are missing data. PolicyMap is the solution. By bridging the gap between data and ac
Territory Manager is a geographic sectorization web solution that allows sales managers, schedulers and decision-makers to define powerful omnichannel strategies: balanced sales targets, optimal marke
Unacast is a proximity and location data platform.
The EDAMS Network Data Management system constitutes the main asset register for the Utility networks. It provides a network geographical database with proper functionality for the capturing, structur
FalconView is a multi-platform mapping and mission planning application developed by the Georgia Tech Research Institute for the United States Department of Defense.
Geograma is a Mapping, Location, and Data Services Provider that helps you speed your data monetization ambitions, create new income streams and achieve operational excellence with outdoor maps and in
HERE is Ovum Location Platform Index’s top-ranked platform for map creation and location data services. Our 20+ APIs and SDKs are built to be used by any size team, and backed by always reliable data
Remote Sensing and GIS software
Resource management, collaboration and communication solution that maps community services and helps find volunteers when needed
Manifold System is a single, integrated product that provides three major classes of GIS functionality in a single package: as a desktop application, as an objects library for programmers and as an In