G2 takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports. Learn about our scoring methodologies.
Trust Lab provides cutting-edge software and metrics to the world's largest social media platforms, online marketplaces and apps to enable them to protect their users against misinformation, hate spee
Welcome to TwitterTrails, a tool that allows members of the media to track the trustworthiness of stories shared on Twitter.
Utopia AI Moderator is a fully automated content moderation solution for text and images. The patented technology can help you safeguard your community and brand from toxic content, hate speech, abusi
The truth on disinformation. Our AI-powered intelligence platform demystifies the Who, the Why, and the How behind coordinated disinformation campaigns so that brands have the truth they need to proac