Commodity/energy trading, transaction, and risk management (CTRM/ETRM) software manages all activities related to the buying and selling of commodities such as oil, grains, metals, and other refined products. CTRM/ETRM helps companies plan when to buy or sell commodities, track pricing, and the volumes of commodities processed. Since commodities are traded on platforms similar to a stock exchange, their prices fluctuate, and companies need to manage the risk of losing money. This type of software is mostly used for procurement professionals who need to purchase raw materials and other commodities that their company needs to function.
CTRM/ETRM can be integrated with accounting software and ERP systems to manage the financial aspects of trading. Integration with supply chain suites is also required to track the demand for commodities and inventory availability.
To qualify for inclusion in the Commodity/Energy Trading, Transaction, and Risk Management (CTRM/ETRM) category, a product must:
Integrate with commodity trading platforms (ideally in real time)
Monitor the prices of various types of commodities in multiple markets
Track all transactions related to buying and selling of commodities
Analyze the performance of trading activities (such as win/loss analysis)
Identify and manage potential risks such as market fluctuations