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Core Values List: 200+ Ways to Define Your Workplace Culture

October 25, 2024
by Derek Doeing

Here at G2, we have a company culture of “Reach your PEAK".

PEAK, in this context, is an acronym that helps our team remember the company's core values: Performance, Entrepreneurship, Authenticity, and Kindness. These four core values inform everyone, from the newest hires to the CEO, of exactly the type of behavior that’s essential to the company’s success.

Read on to explore the core values list and find the inspiration you need to define your own.

We use our PEAK values in a day-to-day manner. They’re the very lifeblood of the organization. In fact, all of our company awards are built around these four values. Employees get nominated based on how they exemplify PEAK values in their role.

G2's core values

Core values should be used to create a value statement for your organization, typically done with corporate social responsibility software. Doing so is crucial to recruit the best talent and keep the talent you’ve already hired. A value statement is the documented beliefs and principles of your organization. It's an explanation of the fundamental things your organization holds important and is used to guide the organization and the people in it and likely encompasses other employer brand elements. 

Core values list

Below are 235 core values examples that you can use to create a value statement for your employer brand.

Core values: A through E

Acceptance Accessibility Accomplishment Accountability Accuracy
Achievement Activity Adaptability Adventure Affection
Agile Alert Ambition Appreciation Approachable
Assertive Attentive Authentic Available Awareness
Balance Belonging Best Bold Bravery
Brilliance Candor Caring Change Citizenship
Cleanliness Clever Collaboration Comfort Commitment
Communication Community Compassion Composure Concentration
Confidence Confidentiality Connection Consistency Cooperation
Coordination Courage Courtesy Craftsmanship


Creativity Credibility Curiosity Daring


Dedication Delight Dependability Depth


Development Devotion Directness Discovery


Drive Eagerness Effective Efficiency


Empathy Empowerment Encouragement Energy


Enthusiasm Entrepreneurship Environment Equality


Ethical Excellence Exuberance Experience


Core values: F through K

Fairness Family Fearless Fierce Flexibility
Fluency Focus Freedom Friendship


Generosity Genius Goodness Gratitude Greatness
Growth Happiness Hard Work Harmony Heart
Honesty Honor Hope Humility Humor
Imagination Independence Individuality Innovation Inquisitive
Insight Inspiration Integrity Intelligence Intensity
Intuition Inviting Joy Kindness Knowledge

Core values: L through P

Leadership Learning Liberty Logic Love
Loyalty Meaning Mindfulness Motivation Nerve
Open Minded Openness Optimism Organization Originality
Passion Patience Peace Perception Perfection
Performance Perseverance Persistence Personality


Playfulness Pose Potential Power Practicality
Pragmatism Precision Preparation Preservation Pride
Privacy Proactive Productivity Progress Prosperity

Core values: Q through S

Quality Recognition Recreation Reflection Relaxation
Reliability Resilience Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility
Reverence Risk Safety Security Self Aware
Selflessness Sensible Serenity Service Sharing
Silliness Simplicity Sincerity Speed Spirit
Spontaneity Stability Strength Structure Success
Succinctness Support Sustainability Sympathy Synergy

Core values: T through Z

Teamwork Timeliness Toughness Traditional Tranquility
Transparency Trust Trustworthiness Truth Understanding
Uniqueness Unity Utility Value Variety
Virtue Vision Vitality Vigilant Vulnerability
Warm Well-being Wonder Yearning Zealous

Want to learn more about Core HR Software? Explore Core HR products.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on core values

Q. Why are core values important?

Core values are the key beliefs and principles that shape a company’s culture and decisions. They offer direction, create a positive workplace, and help attract and retain like-minded employees. Core values can also strengthen a company's brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Q. How can you find your core values?

There are several ways to identify your core values:

  • Self-reflection: Consider your personal beliefs and what you find most important in life and work.
  • Team input: Gather input from your team members to understand their shared values.
  • Customer feedback: Analyze customer feedback and identify the values that resonate with them.
  • Company history: Look at your company's history and identify the values that have shaped its culture.

Q. How to put core values into practice? 

To put your core values into action, share them clearly with all employees and integrate them into your mission, vision, hiring, and evaluations. Lead by example and recognize employees who reflect these values. This fosters a culture where values are actively lived, creating a positive, unified environment that drives success.

Q. How many core values should a company have?

There’s no exact number of core values a company should have, but it’s best to keep the list short and focused. Too many values can make them less impactful and harder to remember. Choose a few that truly represent your company’s unique identity.

Go forth and conquer

Did a few of those values stick out to you? Your own value statement should be a combination of those beliefs that really embody your organization. Consider what you want the stakeholders around you to think about in their professional lives.

Learn how you can incorporate your company's core values into your recruitment marketing efforts to attract top talent.

This article was originally published in 2023. It has been updated with new information.

Derek Doeing

Derek Doeing

Derek is a former G2 content associate. He can usually be found discussing pop music, politics, or digital marketing on the internet. (he/him/his)