14 Must-Have AI Chatbot Features for Success

February 8, 2024
by Sagar Joshi

How frequently have your customers experienced frustration with your company’s support team? They interact with the chatbot on your website only to get generic responses for their unique issues. It might be time for an upgrade.

Gone are the days when pre-programmed chatbots sufficed for addressing customer queries. Modern consumers need more contextual assistance, whether it’s from a bot or a human agent. 

AI chatbots respond to customer queries within available context. They use technology like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to understand complex queries. Every interaction you have with them improves the bots’ ability to deliver relevant answers. 

AI-based chatbot features involve functionality beyond conventional chatbots. Conventional chatbots are pre-programmed and the conversation with customers follows a predefined path. 

Enterprise AI chatbots don’t need your customers to limit their issue to a few options. Instead, as your customers type in their problems, the advanced chatbot assesses the context and responds to queries intelligently. 

1. Ability to recognize typos

No one types perfectly every time. Things like typos and grammatical inconsistencies are common in customer chats. AI chatbots should be able to recognize mistakes and deliver contextually appropriate answers. 

Traditional chatbots might produce strange results since they rely on exact words and phrases to understand queries.

AI chatbots look at the whole context of a message, not just individual words. They break down the message into smaller parts, like pieces of words or groups of characters. This makes it easier for them to understand misspellings or the unusual ways people say things. 

For example, if a customer types, “where my refun is” instead of “Where is my refund?”, AI chatbots still understand what the customer wants. 

2. User interaction learning

With every conversation, AI chatbots get better and smarter. They pick up new things with every customer interaction.

The continuous learning helps chatbots: 

  • Improve responses. The answers keep getting better, and customers get more accurate support. Interaction learning reduces generic answers and delivers more precise steps.
  • Capture trends. When several people ask the same questions, it becomes easier for companies to identify current customer confusion. They can develop an in-product tutorial or offer gamified content to address the shared issues. 

User interaction learning takes AI chatbot capabilities beyond what it was originally programmed to do and adapts based on real conversations. 

3. Summarization

Some customers are more detail-oriented than others and often present their problems intricately. An AI chatbot with summarization skills can absorb the main issue to respond quickly and effectively.

These advanced chatbots take a lot of information and boil it down to the main points, which solves your customers’ problems faster and saves more time for complicated issues that require undivided attention from humans. 

4. Content accuracy

Factual accuracy is critical when your customers rely on AI chatbots for correct and up-to-date information. Every accurate interaction makes customers trust your bots more, adding reliability to the answers and, in turn, boosting your company’s reputation.


is the acceptable accuracy for AI as per industry standards

Source: DeepChecks

Anything above 70% is a good accuracy score. ChatGPT has a 72% accuracy in clinical decision-making

With decent content accuracy, chatbots become a valuable part of your customer service team. This helps your customer support staff focus on more important service tickets rather than handling customers troubled by inaccurate chatbot responses. 

5. Customization

Your chatbot should be able to adapt to what you do and how you talk to your customers. For example, if you run a bookstore, your chatbot should know about writers and bestseller lists. You can set it up to use words and phrases your customers know to help the chatbot feel more personal and relevant to the people using it. 

Check if you can teach these chatbots to address common queries unique to your business. Make sure it’s easy to update these later when the business grows or evolves. 

6. Omnichannel messaging capabilities

Customers expect companies to recognize them and interact accordingly, no matter what channel they use to communicate. 


of customers churn when asked to repeat their issues to different representatives on multiple channels.

Source: invesp

AI chatbots can deliver a smooth experience to customers when they interact on the website, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or any other social media channel. The experience and delivery are consistent. The chatbot remembers past conversations with the customer so they don’t have to repeat themselves. 

7. No-code development

A no-code development feature minimizes your dependency on a developer or data scientist because you can configure the chatbot through a graphical user interface (GUI).

Without writing code, you can tweak your bot to answer and resolve specific customer queries. This doesn’t mean the chatbots get articles from your support base and act as delivery personnel. You’ll be able to configure your AI chatbot so that it solves customers’ problems without pointing them toward different resources. For example, say a customer wants a refund. The bot asks for the reasons; if they are acceptable, the bot processes the refund directly. 

8. Human takeover

Chatbots can manage complex customer issues effectively, but some situations require human intervention. While considering AI chatbot solutions, check whether the bot can hand over the chat to a human agent if customers wish to escalate the situation. 

Many bot builders provide this functionality; you can add the feature through no-code development. Some bots can automatically make these handovers when they encounter a complicated query. 

Notable benefits of human takeover:

  • Faster service delivery. Customers who expect immediate help can reach your human support team easily. 
  • Data collection. Chatbots automate the tedious information-gathering process, so when the time comes, human support can quickly solve the problem. 
  • Contextual handover. Support professionals can see the history of interaction with the bot and quickly jump into the core discussion without rehashing questions. 

With the human takeover feature, the AI chatbot can move customers to agents who will best assist them. The routing mechanism often occurs instantaneously or with a short delay. 

9. Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis helps chatbots understand feelings. Based on customers’ questions, chatbots determine if users are happy, upset, or just okay. With an understanding of customers’ emotions, chatbots can respond in ways that complement the customers’ moods. 

To do this, the bot analyzes how sentences are put together and the tone of words to figure out if the query is positive, negative, or neutral. Then it responds by matching the customer’s energy, making the conversation more human. The entire mechanism happens with the help of natural language processing (NLP); the bot learns and adapts using ML. 

Benefits of chatbots with sentiment analysis functionality:

  • Adapts to customers’ moods. An AI bot can align responses with customers’ experience, providing them with a better experience. 
  • Routes frustrated customers. They avoid testing customer patience by connecting them with a human agent to deliver a quick resolution if they seem frustrated or angry.
  • Categorizes customers. By segmenting customers based on how happy they are with your brand, you can prioritize support for unhappy customers on the verge of churn, and reward happy customers for their loyalty. 

10. Language detection

When growing globally, you need to support a customer base who speaks different languages.. Multilingual botsplay a major role in showing people they can feel at home with your brand. Their language capabilities deliver a better experience and strengthen relationships with customers. Ensure your chatbots can understand different languages according to your clients’ preferences

The language detection mechanism identifies the language of interactions so it notices when the language changes. The analysis happens at a word level.

11. Chatbot marketing capabilities

AI chatbot applications go way beyond customer support. They can function as robust marketing assistants, letting your clients know about ongoing promotions, deals and discounts, and personalized suggestions for bettering their experience with your brand.


of businesses feel an online chatbot helps them gather higher-quality leads.

Source: Drift

Chatbots can subtly push customers toward the products that drive the most value. This little nudge comes as an added benefit without extra effort on your part. 

Best practices for using chatbots as marketing assistants

  • Monitor interactions. Get a grasp of what type of questions people ask frequently and how the bot responds to them. Make necessary interventions when required.
  • Maintain a proper flow. Keep conversations focused and clear to avoid confusion while delivering a remarkable experience. 
  • Personalize. Provide additional data to the chatbot to cater to customers’ unique needs.

12. Analytics

Chatbot analytics offers in-depth insights about customer-bot interactions. It monitors the bot response accuracy and customers' feelings about the response. These insights teach you about your customers and what they need.

You can measure the bot’s performance based on feedback, resolution time, and other metrics important to you. 

Metrics that improve the customer experience 

  • Users. The number of people using the chatbot. 
  • Fallback rate (FBR). These are the times when the chatbot wasn’t able to understand the query.
  • Interaction rate. This signifies when customers effectively engage with the bot.

Get these insights in real time to optimize the chatbot for better responses.

13. API flexibility

APIs let chatbots connect to other business applications, making the workflows more refined. Chatbot APIs sync with customer relationship management (CRM) software or a database, which gives them access to data on these platforms. 

Check if the chatbots you’re considering can integrate into the business application you rely on for day-to-day operations. These integrations make the bot better equipped to respond to complicated queries, reducing the FBR. 

Your operations will become more effective since fewer interactions transfer to human agents, making the bots more productive in managing critical conversations. 

14. Data security

Chatbots are prone to malware and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. They need powerful security constructs to protect themselves, especially when dealing with personal and confidential customer information. 

Make sure your chatbots have end-to-end encryption and can authenticate the customer’s identity. 

Make an informed choice

Look for these features in the chatbot solution you need for your use cases. As you grow and scale your operations these features will become indispensable. 

Discover the top free AI chatbot software to get started.

Sagar Joshi

Sagar Joshi

Sagar Joshi is a former content marketing specialist at G2 in India. He is an engineer with a keen interest in data analytics and cybersecurity. He writes about topics related to them. You can find him reading books, learning a new language, or playing pool in his free time.